Internet and the future Dist أ³ Pico

Internet-and-the-future-Dist-أ³-Pico Internet and the future Dist أ³ Pico

Internet-dystopia-Grok Internet and the future Dist أ³ Pico

A good art أ ass in The Atlantic, Come «Is this how Reddit endsCome »he has especially tuned with me to mention a panorama that I have already experiencing a long time and against which I fight ac أ © rrima and militant: that of an internet every time more hostile towards humans, plagued with spam Optimized for the b أ؛ squedas in Google, of art أ sponsored asses full of stupidities and with tulos full of clickbaitof in أ؛ tile and garbage ads generated by generative artificial intelligence. Entering the p أ، ginas of some media seems like a joke or a career of meaningless asses, and if it is from the smartphoneM a, s a a; n.

Each d أ a, I receive between five and ten varied emails proposed to me to accept art أ culitos sponsored in my p أ، gina and link exchanges (by God, آ، that we are in 2025!) dofollow of all kinds of agencies, freelancers, scammers y spammersoffered to me gold and moro. The same to insert ads – آ «of first brands, hey آ» – in my facebook p أ، gina, where أ؛ only I once entered the d أ a to share my art أ ass and I maintain أ؛ only because from when instead, some of some of My followers there is أ ± ± ales of life. Topically all those emails, but every day comes five or ten m أ، s. Searching for Amazon to try to buy something has long become an endless pile of absurd, undifferentiated and not related garbage to what you intend to acquire, and social networks are already an auth © igo Pozo Negro. He spam of comments, fortunately, for very good Akismet and never comes out, but also has his own.

According to the art أ ass, Reddit has become one of the few human redoubts of the Internet, and that already submitted at every time more doubts. For m أ, that all the days I feel in front of this keyboard, I read what happened in the D أ A through a lot of sources one by one until I find something that inspires me to write, which I do not use at all intelligence generative artificial to do so – S أ, every time more time, to find some source or concrete data – and that I try to mainly maintain that, a fundamentally human p أ، gina, inhabited by real people who maintain di أ، Logos With reasonably educated attitudes (sometimes more than others, but what are we going to do to you, we all have our days), the ass has seemed to me from those that you are reading and thinking آ “already, what will you tell me آ” .

On the other hand, it is clear that you cannot give up experiments. When we begin to talk about generative artificial intelligence, I played to write a couple of art أ ass with her asked to imitate my style, and of course, notice it. I’ve been playing with notebookml for several months to generate podcasts With a deep dive of my art أ culos in English, food with them with the art أ ass and their sources: I find it interesting, but of course, I clearly notice that it is a podcast generated by artificial intelligence, and in fact, the only thing generated by artificial intelligence to find in my art.

My moderation is always manual, with the same usual principles: if you usually intervene and you behave reasonably, you jump it, and if you are not of the usual ones, you will have to wait to make your comment appear, but generally not much. Art أ Culos written by a human, who chooses his songs in a completely subjective way as in the news, his concerns and biases, which accepts comments of all kinds except when they seem especially cuiled or seem to me to be flagrant (and usually deleted less of a message per week). In front of those who say that humans do not climb … it is obviously true, but sometimes, it is not necessary to climb. But already know © is: there is what there is, and gives s أ what gives s أ.

As a personal and written manually written, it is therefore your biases. S أ © perfectly that some are worried that there are lounts. which is a part of the scenario that also affects, and much, to the technology, or that it is even caused by it. Talking about the future p أ © rdida of the hegemon أ a American … آ؟ is political? Well, possibly, but it is related to many things, from decarbonization, which is something technological, even with the soft power, which is exercised through social networks and other technologies. I’m sorry, the subject interests me, the filter of آ “has a certain relationship with the technological scenario أ³ آ”, and I have a lot of sailing of my head when I choose the subject on which to write. In any case, the comments are for record if I really consider me that I exceed in that sense.

I’ve been talking about the dystop أ that a plagued internet of bots and progressively hostile towards humans, and the art أ ass, simply, has caught my attention. Yesterday he talked about that issue at a round table with academic academic, another site that is necessary to host content created by humans. That so that in the face of that, this p أ، Gina will continue to be human, made with these hands on this keyboard, and managed with something that I want to think that entails humanity. And that although many times I comment © is آ “to put myself in my place آ”, as could not be otherwise, I thank you very much to continue with your participation. Let’s keep trying that the Internet can continue to be that, say أ، Logos between people.

This article is also available in English on my Medium page,آ آ«Fighting the good fight: I will continue doing my bit to keep the internet humanCome «

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